BLET Auxiliary
National President
About Kathleen Bisbikis

I eventually met and married my husband, Jason Bisbikis, who is a conductor for the BNSF Railroad out of Stockton, California, and a member of BLET Division 839. I am fortunate to have a husband who supports me 100% in all my endeavors, and for that, I could not be more thankful.
In 2010, I became a founding member of NorCal 39 Auxiliary, also based out of Stockton, California. The Nor-Cal Auxiliary has members from all over northern California, and we are very active with fundraising for several scholarships that we established an award annually to local families. We are always looking for new ways to bring railroad families together to educate them, support them, and to provide a group of people who understand the complicated lifestyle of a railroad family.
In 2010, I was elected as the delegate for my auxiliary and was able to attend the National Convention that same year in Reno, Nevada. I met several educated and involved rail wives and, while driving home from Reno, I told my husband that my goal was to run for a national office at the next convention, in 2014. At the 2nd Quadrennial Convention, held in October 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada, I again represented my auxiliary as the elected delegate and was elected to the position of 2nd National Vice President/National Legislative Rep for the 2014-2018 term.
My term as National Legislative Representative was a fantastic opportunity, and I was very fortunate to have been invited to travel and attend many functions across the US. The legislative arm of the BLET was very welcoming, and I appreciated their support these last four years.
In October 2018, I once again attended the BLET Auxiliary National Convention and by acclamation was given the job of National President. I am fortunate also to have a respected and hard-working group of women who make up the National Officer team serving with me in this adventure over the next four years. I am honored to be able to help the community of families who make up the BLET Auxiliary and know that with hard work, dedication, and a clear goal we can grow and thrive.
Organizations that help us support our cause