Membership Information

Types of Membership

There are several types of membership in the BLET Auxiliary, as outlined below.  The number of auxiliaries applying for Charters is growing, and in an ideal world, there would be an auxiliary in every town and every part of the country.  We are working toward that goal, and will continue growing until we attain it. The more auxiliaries that are established all over the country, the greater our ability to support not only the BLET Division members, but our fellow Auxiliary members. The larger our communication and mobilization networks, the greater our voice.

Memebership Qualifications

The spouse, widow, widower, mother, father, daughter or son (18 years or older) of a member of the BLET or the BLET Auxiliary is eligible for membership in the BLET Auxiliary.

Member At Large (MAL) Membership

Those who wish to join the Auxiliary, but do not yet have a local auxiliary formed in their area, may join as a member-at-large. Members-at-large are entitled to all programs available to BLET Auxiliary members, as set forth throughout the BLET Auxiliary Constitution and Bylaws. To be granted member-at-large status, one must either be the spouse of a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLET), or the mother, father, daughter, or son (18 years or older) of a member of the BLET or the BLET Auxiliary. The widow of a deceased BLET member is also eligible unless remarried.

National dues for members-at-large are paid annually:

  • Retirees (over 60), widows, widowers: $42.00/year
  • For those who are not yet of retirement age: $70.00/year

For an applicant who joins after the first quarter of a given year, dues are prorated for that year (see table on the application form). After membership has been established, dues are payable on January 1 of each year and are considered delinquent after March 1 of the current year. The National Secretary sends dues notices to all members-at-large at the end of each calendar year.

The person whose relationship to the applicant qualifies the applicant for membership is called the sponsor.

Once completed, the application and associated fees and dues should be forwarded to the BLET Auxiliary National Secretary at:

Jodi Wallace, National Secretary
1804 Washington Avenue
La Grande, Oregon 97850 

All checks are to be made payable to BLET AUXILIARY.

Associate Member At Large

Any person interested in promoting the mission and goals of the Auxiliary through their attendance at meetings during regional conventions, working with other auxiliary members, or who has a desire to stay informed on issues affecting members of the BLET and the Teamsters Rail Conference, shall be eligible for associate membership in the Auxiliary. Applicant’s sponsor must be a member of the BLET, the BLET Auxiliary, or the Teamsters Rail Conference to be considered for membership.

Associate members-at-large are not eligible to run for or hold a national office; however, if an associate member-at-large expresses an interest to perform specific duties on behalf of the National Auxiliary, the National President may call upon these individuals for assistance.

Because associate members-at-large do not meet the requirements for full membership, they are not eligible to participate in the programs of the BLET Auxiliary, including the Scholarship and Care and Assistance programs. (Some exceptions may apply.)

For any questions or concerns regarding membership, please contact National Secretary Jodi Wallace at (541) 663-6966, or 

Local Auxiliary membership

Anyone who meets the qualification for membership, as listed above, and is interested in joining our organization, may attend a regularly scheduled meeting of their local auxiliary.  Each auxiliary meets at least eight (8) times per year. Annual dues are set by each auxiliary. At the beginning of each calendar year, the secretary of the local auxiliary will send to the National Auxiliary $37 for each member who is a retiree, widow or widower, and $65 each for those members not yet of retirement age. The National Dues is used to support the Auxiliary and our programs.


An Associate Membership is offered for those interested in participating in the work of the auxiliary, but who do not meet the requirements of membership.  Associate members may become members of local auxiliaries or associate members-at-large. National Dues for associate members of a local auxiliary are the same as for full members, according to their status (retired or active).

How to organize a new auxiliary

If your area does not have a local BLET auxiliary, but has an interest in forming one, a petition may be submitted to the National Secretary requesting a Charter.

The Petition for Charter must contain at least ten (10) signatures, seven (7) of which must be spouses, widows, widowers, mothers,  fathers, or daughters or sons 18 years of age or older, of BLET members of the particular BLET Division with which the auxiliary will be associated. Membership in an auxiliary is not limited to the associated BLET Division. Once signatures have been gathered, the petition form needs to be verified by the secretary-treasurer of the associated BLET Division.

The BLET Auxiliary has several local auxiliaries that are not only city- or area-wide, but also have members whose spouses work for different railroad carriers. While there may be times that issues that are addressed at meetings only involve one carrier, it provides better insight to all as to the different types of problems that exist on the different railroads. Of course, many issues that affect the quality of life, safety, security, and welfare of our locomotive engineers and trainmen have no carrier boundaries and exist nationwide.

Once the Petition has been completed, please forward it to:

Jodi Wallace, National Secretary
BLET Auxiliary
1804 Washington Avenue
La Grande, Oregon 97850

Together with a check in the amount of $25.00.  Once a Charter has been authorized and the charter members have submitted their applications, a national representative will be sent to formally organize the auxiliary.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to call National Secretary Jodi Wallace at (541) 663-6966, National President Kathleen Bisbikis at (209) 559-2251, National 1st Vice President and Outreach Coordinator Rachel Pharris at (417) 872-9641 or any other national officer for assistance.

Current Active Local Auxiliaries By State

  • Nor-Cal Auxiliary No. 39
    Stockton, California tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • Helen Gould Auxiliary
    Osawatomie, Kansas
  • Twin Ports Auxiliary 6388
    Duluth – Superior, Minnesota tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • BLET Auxiliary #417 
    Springfield, Missouri
  • Flatrock Auxiliary No. 8
    North Platte, Nebraska tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • BLET Auxiliary #622 Alliance, NE tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • BLET Auxiliary Eastern Oregon #362
    La Grande – Hermiston, Oregon tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • BLET Pacific Northwest Auxiliary #503
    Salem, Oregon tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • Philadelphia BLET Auxiliary #71
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / New Jersey tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • El Paso Area Auxiliary No. 591
    El Paso, Texas
  • Yellow City Family Auxiliary
    Amarillo, Texas tiktok, facebook, logo-770688.jpg
  • Badger State Auxiliary 209
    Green Bay, Wisconsin

Organizations that help us support our cause