BLET Auxiliary
3rd Vice President /
Public Relations

About Victoria Delahay

Hello, my name is Victoria Delahay. My husband, Kevin Delahay hired out with BSNF in Richmond, CA in 2004 and is now a Conductor out of Amarillo, TX.

When Kevin and I got married in 2017, I was quickly introduced to the “Railroad” life and all of the struggles that go with it. It was in that first year of our marriage when I was asked to join this local Railroad “Auxiliary”, and I thought, “what the heck is that”? Merriam-Webster defines the word, “auxiliary” as the offering or providing of help or something that functions in a subsidiary capacity, but it’s so much more than that. After joining the NorCal Auxiliary in Stockton, CA, I realized that I needed these women and families in my life. We supported each other through good and bad times, as well as supporting our loved ones on the front lines. We discussed what was happening nationally, locally, and in our own communities. I was so thankful for these families.

In 2019 Kevin and I made the decision to move to Amarillo, TX, and to my surprise, Amarillo did not have an Auxiliary. In January 2020 I became the Founding Member / President of the Yellow City Bomb Squad #99. I am not only lucky to call these members, my friends, but they are truly my family. I encourage all of you to join your local Auxiliary. If you don’t have one, start one! I guarantee you it’s one of the best things you will ever do!

Kevin and I have 2 rescue dogs, Rocky and Ruby, and love life in Amarillo.

At the National Convention in Las Vegas in October 2022, I was elected the 3rd Vice  President/PR Position and honored to be able to serve you over the next four years.

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