BLET Auxiliary
3rd Vice President /
Social Media
About Kelly Pettus
Hello! My name is Kelly Pettus. I live in San Antonio, TX. My husband hired out in Fresno, California with AT&SF in 1993. 31 years later, we are in San Antonio, TX, where he works as a conductor for the BNSF. He is a 3rd generation locomotive engineer. His father and grandfather both retired from the AT&SF and BNSF. My brother-in-law runs passenger trains in California for Caltrain. My cousin is a conductor for the UPRR in Roseville, CA. I admit I didn’t know a thing about the railroad, or the lifestyle that goes with it when I met my husband, but I’ve had a front row seat for 15 years and it’s been a life changing experience.
When I met my husband in 2009, he was working for BNSF at the Fresno terminal. I managed an outdoor event venue as a wedding and event manager. We moved to Laughlin, NV in 2012 and he worked out of the Needles, California terminal for 6 years. During that time, I expanded my career into the casino industry where I managed catered events and sold convention space, then moved into Casino marketing. The casino industry sucked the life out of me, and we needed a change of pace. We relocated to San Antonio, TX in 2018. We definitely changed the pace because in early 2019 we found out we were going to be parents. I was 43 years old and in total shock. Instead of exploring a different career path, I transitioned into full time motherhood. We welcomed our daughter, Amelia, into our lives in 2019. She is 4 years old and the greatest gift I’ve ever been given. She keeps me busy all the time but if I have a quiet moment, I love to create in my art room. I make a variety of custom gifts.
In the early part of our marriage, I worked extremely long hours. Since his schedule was so unpredictable, we passed in the hallway for years. I was immersed in a corporate career with a deep seeded disdain for the politics and greed of corporate America. I worked in a non-union casino and an open shop casino and found myself conflicted over anti worker policies and unreasonable pay. I was raised by a father who was a local chairman in the furniture builder’s union. Advocating for labor is in my blood, and I consistently fought for my employees, even though my arguments were highly unpopular amongst my executive peers. If something was unfair or unreasonable, I was never afraid to say so!
Like the Railroad, the casino industry operates 24/7/365 and I worked the hours to prove it. We did our best to take care of one another and celebrate holidays, but it wasn’t possible a lot of the time. It was Thanksgiving and I was running on empty at work. My husband got called out mid-morning. I did not have anything planned for a holiday meal and was too exhausted to think about it. He packed his lunchbox with whatever was in the freezer. He arrived in Winslow, AZ to a full Thanksgiving spread and it made his whole day. He called to tell me about the meal, and it immediately brought me peace. Later, I found out there was a group of railroad spouses who did this every year and I thought that was such a great idea. Shortly after, I learned about the Auxiliary and told myself if I ever had the time to give to an organization, it would be the auxiliary.
After the pandemic, I got more involved in advocating for better working conditions for railroad workers. I also became an auxiliary member at large. Getting involved with the auxiliary opened a whole new world for me. It connected me with other spouses who understand the challenges of this life. Suddenly, I didn’t feel so alone. I’ve developed relationships with people who inspire me, because they are not afraid to stand up for what matters most.
As my husband finishes the last decade of his career, I strive to give back, and support other spouses and families who are in the early stages of trying to navigate this life. I look forward to serving the BLET National Auxiliary in a new capacity, as 3rd Vice President/Social Media Manager. I believe that together we can accomplish anything, and I am in the best company to create change!
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